Spline surface from clips.


Let's create a smooth surface from three clips - two splines, a line segment and an arc.


This code creates the clips:


SG_POINT tmpPnt;


 SG_SPLINE* spl1 = SG_SPLINE::Create();


 tmpPnt.x = 98.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = -13.0;


 tmpPnt.x = 85.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = 19.0;


 tmpPnt.x = 43.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = -31.0;


 tmpPnt.x = 5.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = -3.0;


 tmpPnt.x = -11.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = -39.0;


 tmpPnt.x =-48.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = 23.0;


 tmpPnt.x =-125.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = 23.0;



 sgCSpline* spl1_obj = sgCreateSpline(*spl1);




 spl1_obj->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);


 SG_SPLINE* spl2 = SG_SPLINE::Create();


 tmpPnt.x = 96.0; tmpPnt.y = 150.0; tmpPnt.z = 8.0;


 tmpPnt.x = 66.0; tmpPnt.y = 150.0; tmpPnt.z = -20.0;


 tmpPnt.x = 12.0; tmpPnt.y = 150.0; tmpPnt.z = 37.0;


 tmpPnt.x = -128.0; tmpPnt.y = 150.0; tmpPnt.z = -23.0;



 sgCSpline* spl2_obj = sgCreateSpline(*spl2);




 spl2_obj->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);


 sgCLine* ln_obj = sgCreateLine(100.0,100.0,50.0, -121.0,100.0,-50.0);



 ln_obj->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);


 SG_ARC arcG;

 SG_POINT arcBeg = {98.0, 50.0 , -80.0};

 SG_POINT arcEnd = {-117.0, 50.0 , -80.0};

 SG_POINT arcMid = {-55.0, 50.0 , -50.0};


 sgCArc*  arc_obj = sgCreateArc(arcG);



 arc_obj->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 2);


Let's create the surface itself from these clips. As the clips are unclosed only contour orientations will be considered when constructing the surface - the contours had the same orientation by its construction. Let's specify the zero array as the array of parameters:


sgC2DObject*  objcts[4];

 objcts[0] = spl1_obj;

 objcts[1] = arc_obj;

 objcts[2] = ln_obj;

 objcts[3] = spl2_obj;


 double param[4];

 param[0] = param[1] = param[2] = param[3] = 0.0;


 sgCObject* surf = sgSurfaces::SplineSurfaceFromSections((const sgC2DObject**)(objcts),





Then let's move the obtained surface:


 SG_VECTOR transV1 = {0,0,-5};






See also:


sgCSpline   SG_SPLINE

sgCArc   SG_ARC

sgCLine   SG_LINE

sgGetScene sgCScene::AttachObject   sgCObject::SetAttribute


