Flat face with holes.


Let's create a flat face with a spline as an outer contour and three circles as holes.


The code of creating the spline as an outer contour:


SG_POINT tmpPnt;


 SG_SPLINE* spl2 = SG_SPLINE::Create();


 tmpPnt.x = -1.0; tmpPnt.y = -3.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x = -3.0; tmpPnt.y = 0.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x = -1.0; tmpPnt.y = -1.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x = 0.0; tmpPnt.y = 1.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x = -1.0; tmpPnt.y = 4.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x =3.0; tmpPnt.y = 1.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x =2.0; tmpPnt.y = -3.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x =1.0; tmpPnt.y = -1.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;


 tmpPnt.x =1.0; tmpPnt.y = -4.0; tmpPnt.z = 0.0;




 sgCSpline* spl2_obj = sgCreateSpline(*spl2);




 spl2_obj->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 1);




sgC2DObject*  holes[3];


SG_CIRCLE   cirGeo;

 SG_POINT    cirC = {0.8, 1.0, 0.0};

 SG_VECTOR    cirNor = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};

 cirGeo.FromCenterRadiusNormal(cirC,0.8, cirNor);

 holes[0] = sgCreateCircle(cirGeo);



 holes[0]->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 1);


 cirC.x = 1.6; cirC.y = -1.0;

 cirGeo.FromCenterRadiusNormal(cirC,0.2, cirNor);

 holes[1] = sgCreateCircle(cirGeo);



 holes[1]->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 1);


 cirC.x = 0.0; cirC.y = -1.0;

 cirGeo.FromCenterRadiusNormal(cirC,0.4, cirNor);

 holes[2] = sgCreateCircle(cirGeo);



 holes[2]->SetAttribute(SG_OA_LINE_THICKNESS, 1);


Constructing a face with holes:


sgC3DObject* fcO = (sgC3DObject*)sgSurfaces::Face((const sgC2DObject&)(*spl2_obj),

         (const sgC2DObject**)(&holes[0]),3);





Then let's move the obtained surface:


SG_VECTOR transV1 = {-5,0,0};





See also:


sgCSpline   SG_SPLINE


sgGetScene sgCScene::AttachObject   sgCObject::SetAttribute



